The spring isn’t here to stay yet and we already think about summer. Beacuse when to start preparing for the bikini season, if not now? If you want to feel great in a swimsuit (no matter your size!), make your skin beautiful, silky smooth and firm today. Challenge: bikini – on!
Preparing your skin for summer, you want to give it a radiant glow and smoothness of silk. It’s nothing unusual since well-groomed body looks healthy and attractive. And who doesn’t want to look like that?
Let’s be honest: well-balanced diet and regular physical activity are key to firm body. Daily walk and loads of veggies on your plate are the first step. The second is a proper skincare – taking care of skin from outside can make it smooth and even. What’s more, we don’t have to spend money on professional cosmetic treatments! We know home remedies for soft skin.
Rough treatment – dry brushing
This method came to us from a far Asia few years ago and is very popular ever since. It gives amazing results – not only visual, but also… health-related!
We’re talking about dry brushing. Before shower and preferably after physical exercises, massage your body with a dry, stiff-brittled brush for at least (just!) 5 minutes. It doesn’t sound very nice, does it? Yet, when skin gets used to this, frankly, quite rough treatment, dry brushing becomes really pleasant!
Just remember two things. First, both brush and skin should be dry. Second, during massage, start at the feet and brush towards the chest with upward strokes. It stimulates lymphatic system that influences our immunity and detoxication. And do you know that toxins contained in fat cells cause cellulite increase?
Here’s the clue of dry brushing – it works miracles in terms of appearance of our skin. When used regularly, it reduces orange peel skin effect, and just after one-time treatment skin becomes visibly smoother! Its colour gets more even and firmness increases quickly. Dry brushing can also partially substitute for scrub – it promotes dead skin cells removal. And skincare products applied on such prepared skin absorb way better.
Like Baltic Sea in July – cool shower
When you hop into shower after dry brushing… keep it cool. Contrast showers or just cold showers are old, but effective methods. Use them two-three times a week to toughen the skin and whole body.
Just don’t take your shower too cold! Leave it to winter swimmers. Rather gradually lower water temperature until you reach a level of Baltic Sea in July. It offers many benefits: increases immunity, improves blood circulation, eases sore muscles and, finally, increases skin firmness and elasticity. Some say that it even prevents from accumulating fat tissue. These are some advantages!
Straight from pantry – delicious scrub
Once a week treat yourself with a decent skin scrub. Although dry brushing can partially substitute, there’s nothing like a nice massage with peeling grains. You don’t even have to buy another product – everything you need is in your pantry.
First option is a coffee scrub. Pour boiling water onto grounded coffee beans. You can drink the beverage, because this time you only need grounds. Next add a spoonful of natural oil, pinch of ginger and cinnamon and some brown sugar. Mix everything together and massage your entire body in the shower.
Unfortunately, you’ll probably have to scour shower cubicle or bathtub afterwards, but it’s worth it! Coffee scrub helps to fight cellulite, makes skin smoother and more even. Thanks to its delicious smell, it also adds energy.
Second, slightly „cleaner” but just as energizing option is a lemon scrub. Mix coarse sea salt with freshly pressed lemon juice. This treatment has one important advantage – thanks to salt, it helps to remove excessive water from the body, so it reduces water cellulite. It also has antiperspirant effect so it’s perfect for summer.
Slimming body balm? – a perfect mixture
When your skin is prepared, it’s time to apply body balm. It will quickly absorb so choose a product with really effective ingredients. What do we recommend? Anticellulite body cream with hemp oil and beta-glucan from Livioon, of course!
Hemp oil – Deeply penetrates the skin and perfectly moisturises it to achieve a regenerating and soothing effect. | |
Beta-glucan from oats – This extraordinary polysaccharide strengthens the immune system of the skin and accelerates regeneration of the epidermis. Increases skin moisture and improves its flexibility. | |
SymFit – It has been clinically proven that it reduces visible signs of cellulite and slows down the creation of new fat cells. | |
Caffeine – Improves the micro-stimulation and blood supply to tissues. Has a slimming and detoxicating effect. Increases elasticity of the skin and stimulates metabolism. | |
Bisabolol – An active substance contained in the chamomile flower with a soothing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, which helps nutrients reach skin cells. | |
Carnitine – A substance that burns fat, with slimming and anti-cellulite properties. | |
Guarana extract – Makes saggy skin more elastic, stimulates lymph flow thus preventing swellings and formation of cellulite. In addition, it has a slimming and anti-oxidant effect. | |
Vitamin B3 – It stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen. It improves moisturisation and firmness of the skin. |
Unique composition of active ingredients boosts microcirculation, improves metabolism and helps to reduce subcutaneous tissue. Hemp oil moisturizes and regenerates the skin, beta-glucan from oats improves its elasticity and SymFit reduces visible signs of cellulite and slows down the creation of new fat cells.
Addition of caffeine, carnitine and guarana extract intensifies slimming effect. Using the body cream after every shower, you’ll quickly notice how your skin changes. Soft, firm and smooth – it will be ready for summer in two shakes.